Grain trade sources Tuesday afternoon say Algeria has bought an undisclosed volume of Durum Wheat at today\'s snap tender. Prices were said to average around $348/mt cf for Panamax size cargoes, and $360/mt cf for smaller Handymax size cargoes. The origin appears to be Canada. The wheat is for shipment from January 1 through the end of February. Additional volume details will likely come forward.

<div class=\"default-font-wrapper\" style=\"line-height: 1;font-size: 12pt; font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;\">Grain trade sources Tuesday afternoon say Algeria has bought an undisclosed volume of Durum Wheat at today\'s snap tender.  Prices were said to average around $348/mt cf for Panamax size cargoes, and $360/mt cf for smaller Handymax size cargoes.  The origin appears to be Canada.  The wheat is for shipment from January 1 through the end of February.  Additional volume details will likely come forward.</div>