Ukraine Ag Ministry data released Monday pegged 24/25 MY grain exports at 8.7 mln mt as of Sept 16th, 2024 that compares with the 5.9 mln mt exported through Sept 20th, 2024. The 24/25 MY volume includes 4.8 mln mt of wheat, 2.5 mln mt of corn, and 1.2 mln mt of barley.

<div class=\"default-font-wrapper\" style=\"line-height: 1;font-size: 12pt; font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;\">Ukraine Ag Ministry data released Monday pegged 24/25 MY grain exports at 8.7 mln mt as of Sept 16th, 2024 that compares with the 5.9 mln mt exported through Sept 20th, 2024.  The 24/25 MY volume includes 4.8 mln mt of wheat, 2.5 mln mt of corn, and 1.2 mln mt of barley.</div>