China\'s consumer price index for February fell -0.7% on year over year terms, reversing January\'s +0.5% gain. Core CPI fell on year over year terms, marking the first decline since January 2021. Producer price index in February was off -2.2% year over year, compared to January\'s -2.3% decline.
<div class=\"default-font-wrapper\" style=\"line-height: 1;font-size: 12pt; font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;\">China\'s consumer price index for February fell -0.7% on year over year terms, reversing January\'s +0.5% gain. Core CPI fell on year over year terms, marking the first decline since January 2021. Producer price index in February was off -2.2% year over year, compared to January\'s -2.3% decline.</div>