Corn Morning Commentary: Double digit gains for the week heading into Big Friday

<div class=\"default-font-wrapper\" style=\"line-height: 1;font-size: 12pt; font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;\"><div style=\"line-height: 1;\"><span style=\"font-size: 12pt; font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;\">Overnight, corn futures were a little firmer to start but encountered some pressure as the night unfolded, finishing 2-3 cents lower by the morning pause. &nbsp;For the week, corn is on track for decent gains, currently standing ten cents higher when including overnight losses. &nbsp;There are not a lot of new inputs to start; the &lsquo;rip roaring&rsquo; headline of the night was Korea&rsquo;s KFA purchasing a cargo of optional origin corn? &nbsp;There were no 8 AM flashes, either. &nbsp;South American weather will remain of interest, but there does not appear to be much change in the pattern. &nbsp;The Buenos Aires Grain Exchange estimated 25% of Argentina&rsquo;s corn crop was rated Good or Excellent, down -3% from the previous report. &nbsp;We suspect this does not include the impact of recent rains? &nbsp;Brazil safrinha planting will be the other input, but we see it as a slower moving story? &nbsp;Outside markets are leaning mildly &lsquo;risk-on&rsquo; after a mixed nonfarm payroll (jobs) report this morning.<br id=\"isPasted\">&nbsp;<br>Corn futures held somewhat mixed feature Thursday. &nbsp;The market was surprisingly soft early, trading more than five cents lower mid-morning, but the bull once again defended his turf and corn closed the day 1-3 cents higher. &nbsp;Funds are believed net long just under 370,000 delta-adjusted corn contracts with a CFTC update pending tonight. &nbsp;Cash trade was steady, leaning easier. &nbsp;The weekly export sales report arrived in good stead for corn, beating market expectations. &nbsp;For the week ended Jan 30th, new corn sales were 1,477,200 metric tons, up +9% from an equally solid showing the prior week. &nbsp;Buyers for the week included Mexico, Japan, Korea, and Latin America. &nbsp; Corn sold plus shipped moves up to 44.77 million metric tons (mmt), which is running meaningfully ahead of the prior year&rsquo;s 34.91 mmt. &nbsp;News services published estimates in advance of the Feb WASDE, due Tuesday.</span></div><br><span style=\"font-size: 12pt; font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;\">KJ</span></div>