Japan\'s Ag Ministry announced a regular tender to close on Thursday, Feb 6th, seeking a total of 96,725 mt of Canadian and US origin Wheat. The total includes 32,180 mt of Canadian red spring, 31,630 mt of US HRW, 19,885 mt of US white, and 14,260 mt of US DNS wheat.

<div class=\"default-font-wrapper\" style=\"line-height: 1;font-size: 12pt; font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;\">Japan\'s Ag Ministry announced a regular tender to close on Thursday, Feb 6th, seeking a total of 96,725 mt of Canadian and US origin Wheat.  The total includes 32,180 mt of Canadian red spring, 31,630 mt of US HRW, 19,885 mt of US white, and 14,260 mt of US DNS wheat.</div>