S&P Global group will release their US prelim September manufacturing and service sector purchasing managers indexes (PMI) at 8:45 am CT Monday morning. Analysts expect the manufacturing index at 48.5 compared to the 47.9 in the final August report. The service index for early September is expected at 55.3 compared to the 55.7 in the final August report.

<div class=\"default-font-wrapper\" style=\"line-height: 1;font-size: 12pt; font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;\">S&P Global group will release their US prelim September manufacturing and service sector purchasing managers indexes (PMI) at 8:45 am CT Monday morning.  Analysts expect the manufacturing index at 48.5 compared to the 47.9 in the final August report.  The service index for early September is expected at 55.3 compared to the 55.7 in the final August report.</div>